
Copy Cats Everywhere

My friends tell me I always have to say something about everything around me. It wouldn't be like that if there are no things that can be discussed. That 'things' can be so big to bring to the situation in which you just have to, there's no chance but to share your view with others. Of course, ( in all that rage and despair ) expressing some frustration won't bother anybody, right?

Split, former friendly place known for incisive statements of its citizens, in recent years has engulfed by a serious epidemic. As a citizen of this 'conscious' city I have to  look back on this problem that is slowly spreading to the surrounding places. As centers we can extract surrounding villages which are homes for many famous names, otherwise the main protagonists of today's fashion trends that have affected our town.

The situation in Split is next: if isn't expensive, it's not worth. If Severina wore it, it's must have. And then starts rush for that piece of clothing. It takes months, years, we walk in circle seeing the same outfits and calling it street style even ourselves know that we saw that on Cara in last year number of Vogue. But we're not guilty for being here,on Balkan peninsula where's everything late for the west. We have that issue that we enjoy last in new worldwide trends.

I see girls on riva with curly blonde hair, a lot of compact powder on face,pink lipstick matched with the same shade of blush. Beanie with some sort of logo on their head because it's 'bad hair day'. Wearing fur waistcoat over jeans shirt or leather jacket, skinny jeans and white Converse or Uggs. They sit down for coffee from 10 am ( it's hard to get up early) till 12 am and then they make few circles on riva and around 14 pm go on lunch and prepare for tomorrow session.

Honestly, I don't think this type of girls dress bad. Every girl ( including them) want to look beautiful and attractive to themselves and others. I just want to warn everyone that we don't have to look same. The point is that everyone should express themselves differently. Please, don't blindly follow trends or buy expensive shoes because your idol has them or dye your hair blonde although you have dark skin and black eyebrows. You'll regret it one day!

Also, if someone's appereance stands out from surrounding, don't make fun of him/her because that could be you if you had more courage.

These girls are stunning but aren't their clothes similar?

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